My reflexology treatment follows the teachings of the Norwegian medical doctor, Dr. Charles Ersdal, who developed his therapy for over 25 years. This treatment is holistic and is done by manipulating the foot, which has reflex points for the whole body. By manipulating these points the therapist can affect, amongst others, circulation, hormone function and metabolism. Presently, according to studies, this therapy has been found to have beneficial effects on more than a hundred different illnesses and ailments.
This treatment can be used for people of all ages, starting from a new-born baby. Reflexology can be usedto treat many kinds of ailments, such as
- Insomnia
- Stress
- Neck and shoulder area muscle pains
- Headache or migraine
- Stomach problems, for example constipation
- Menstrual pain
With small babies the following problems, such as
- Colic
- Stomach problems
- Sleeping problems
- Distress
At the first appointment I conduct an interview with the client, or, if the client is a child, with their parent, during which we go through their medical history, lifestyle and other health-related issues. The aim of the interview is to map possible contraindications for the therapy, such as severe heart smptoms, chemotherapy treatment for cancer and others. If necessary, I will urge the client to contact a doctor.
Only after the initial interview I will do the therapy. The client can sit comfortably on the treatment chair and all they have to do is take off their socks. The so-called treatment level stays up for about a week. That is why I recommend another session within a week, if we are treating a long-term illness.
You can find more information on reflexology on the following website: We belong to the Luontaislääketieteen Keskusliitto (which represents the majority of practitioners and therapists who practice in the field of alternative and complementary or integrative health care inFinland.)
The price of the treatment is 60 euros. We can boost the effect of the treatment by using therapeutic essential oils, custom chosen just for you, the price with the oils is 70 euros.